Frequently Asked Questions

What is Buildbrics and its Unique Proposition?

Buildbrics is the pioneering crypto token that generates revenue through the sale of Tiny Houses, providing a unique opportunity for token holders to benefit financially from real-world assets.

How is Buildbrics Governed?

Buildbrics is governed by Buildbrics Dao, a decentralized collective comprising core holders and users. This community directs and influences the future development of the Buildbrics project.

How Can I Trade Buildbrics?

Trading Buildbrics is simple and accessible through the Uniswap decentralized exchange, offering users a user-friendly platform for buying and selling the token.

What Incentives Do Buildbrics Holders Receive?

Buildbrics holders with a wallet containing 1% or more of the total tokens are eligible for profit distribution. This distribution comes from the revenue generated by the sale of Tiny Houses associated with the Buildbrics project.

How Does Profit Distribution Work for Buildbrics Holders?

Holders with 1% or more of Buildbrics receive a share of the profits generated from the sale of Tiny Houses. This distribution provides a direct financial benefit to long-term and significant token holders.

Where Can I Learn More About Buildbrics and Participate in Discussions?

Stay informed about the latest updates, engage with the community, and participate in discussions by joining the official Buildbrics social media channels and forums.

Is Buildbrics Listed on Exchanges?

Yes, Buildbrics is listed on Uniswap, making it easily tradable for users seeking to buy, sell, or swap the token.

What Makes Buildbrics Different from Other Crypto Tokens?

Buildbrics stands out by linking its value directly to tangible assets – Tiny Houses. This innovative approach sets it apart from traditional crypto tokens, creating a unique investment proposition.

How Can I Get Involved with Buildbrics Dao?

Users interested in influencing the governance and future direction of Buildbrics can actively participate in Buildbrics Dao. This decentralized collective empowers users to contribute to decision-making processes.

Is Buildbrics Suitable for Long-Term Investment?

Given its revenue model tied to real-world assets, Buildbrics presents an interesting option for long-term investment, especially for those seeking exposure to the real estate market through blockchain technology.

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